Author Guidelines
Jurnal Informatika is published biannually, in May and November, by Petra Christian University. Jurnal Informatika aims to:
Promote a comprehensive approach to informatics engineering and management incorporating viewpoints of different applications (computer graphics, comp. networks, comp. vision, operating systems, Internet/Intranet developments, computational intelligent, databases, IT project management, etc.).
Strengthen academic exchange with other institutions in the area of informatics engineering and management.
Encourage scientist, practicing engineers, and others to conduct research and other similar activities.
Jurnal Informatika welcomes papers with the above aims and scopes. The editorial board decides papers to be published in Jurnal Informatika after review by reviewers appointed by the board. Authors will be advised of reviewers' comments and suggestions. The guidelines below offer suggestions to authors and describe paper selection, review, revision, and publication processes. Adherence to these guidelines ensures expeditious handling of submitted material.
Submission and Correspondence Author should submit paper in the online submission. Papers and all correspondences should be addressed to:
The Editor, Jurnal Informatika.
Institute of Research and Community Outreach Petra Christian University
Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya - Indonesia 60236
Tel. +62-31-849-4830/31 ext: 1162-1164
Manuscripts should be typed double spaced (12-pitch font size) in a single column format on one side of letter size paper with 2.5 cm. wide margin (top, bottom, left, right). The length of a manuscript should be limited to less than 20 pages total (references, figures, tables, appendices, etc. inclusive). All pages should be numbered consecutively.
Deadline of submission.
May edition : first week of February
November edition : first week of August
The language of the journal is English or Indonesian.
Manuscripts should be organized in the following order: Title; authors and affiliations; e-mail or contact address; abstract and key words; main body of paper; acknowledgment (where applicable); references; appendices (where applicable).
Abstract and key words for manuscript written in the Indonesian language should be written in Indonesian and English. Abstract and key words for manuscript written in English can be written in English only. Each abstract should not exceed 150 words. The abstract should indicate the subject and scope of the paper and summarize the author's conclusion, so it may become a useful document in an information-retrieval system. Three to ten key words should be included.
SI units must be used throughout in the manuscript. If other units must be used, equivalent SI units should follow in parentheses. No rigid rules concerning notation or abbreviation need to be observed, but each manuscript should be self-contained as to symbols and units, which should be properly defined.
Figures and Tables
Photographs, charts, illustrations and diagrams are to be referred to as Figure(s). All figures and tables should be placed within the text and identified with consecutive Arabic (not Roman) number in the order in which they are referred (separate numbers for tables and figures). All lettering, lines and symbols must be of uniform size drawn in black-and-white prints, and cropped to remove irrelevant information. Photograph must be glossy. It is better to use several simple tables than one large, complex table. All figures should be clear and suitable for reduction (up to 50% original size). Lettering must be clear and must be large enough to be reduced by the same proportion. All tables and figures must be accompanied by a self-explanatory caption.
Mathematical expressions
Mathematical symbols and formulae should be typed. Particular care should be exercised in identifying all symbols and in avoiding ambiguities. Distinction should be made between the number one (1) and the letter l, or i and between the number zero (0) and the letter o. Equations must be numbered consecutively. Equation numbers should appear in parentheses (e.g. (2)). All equation number must appear on the right-hand side of the equation and should be referred to within the text.
References to published literatures should be quoted in the text in numeric order. Numerical citation should be typed on the line, not as a superscript, and enclosed in square bracket, [1]. The references should be listed together at the end of the text in consecutive order, with enough information to allow readers to find the cited item. Journal reference should be in the style set out as follow:
- Kartika Gunadi, Algoritma Midpoint untuk Penggambaran Grafik Berkecepatan Tinggi, Jurnal Informatika, May 1999, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38-42.
Book reference is given as follow:
- Klir, George J, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logics : Theory and Applications, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.
All papers will be reviewed, and the results will be forwarded to the authors within one month from the times of submission.
Copyright and Originality
The author should include and sign a paper containing the following information.
Author: Signed ____________________ Name : Date :
One copy of Jurnal Informatika will be provided free of charge to each author. Additional copies or loose prints can be ordered with a special price.